Saffron-Harvesting-When-To-Pick-Saffron Souk

Saffron Harvesting: When To Pick Saffron

Saffron, the world’s most expensive spice, is harvested from the stigmas of Crocus sativus flowers. To ensure the highest quality, the best time to harvest saffron is early in the morning, right after sunrise. Here's why: 

  1. Preserves Quality: Morning harvesting retains the stigmas' vibrant color and potent aroma by minimizing exposure to sunlight, which can degrade quality.
  2. Flower Freshness: Flowers bloom at dawn, and harvesting them immediately ensures the stigmas are at their freshest.
  3. Ease of Handling: Cooler morning temperatures make flowers easier to handle and reduce moisture loss.
  4. Cleaner Harvest: Less exposure to airborne pollutants ensures purer saffron threads.

Other key factors for quality saffron include optimal climate and soil, proper planting depth, careful irrigation, and meticulous post-harvest drying and storage.

Harvesting saffron at dawn locks in its maximum color, flavor, and aroma, making it truly worthy of its "red gold" status.

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